Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Lady, or The Tiger?

I love this story:

The Matrix Trilogy


Think this was a show that open a lot of ppl to the idea, that maybe.. jz maybe we are not living in a "real" world. Always felt this, even before watching this show. Lol.

Anyway, so a movie about human being grown to be energy source for machines. TO keep them at bay, human are fed "the matrix" which allows them to believe they are still living in a "normal" world.

So Neo is brought back to the "real" world. And then realize the prophecy of being reborned as "the One". He was able to manipulate the matrix (essentially jz codes) so he could have superpower when he was in the matrix.

2 & 3 are linked (i.e. long movie break into 2 parts, so essentially matrix is not really a trilogy). So now there's more ppl to free, and the machines are fighting back by aiming for the human city. Neo seek out the oracle. The matrix shows that she's actually jz another program, created for the sole purpose of fcking up the Architect it seems. The Architect was the one who tells Neo, he's not really The One, but The Sixth. Abnormalities that had to come about to "stabilize" the world, so human can hope n etc.

Neo eventually finds out he can kinda stop the electronix back in the real world too. Jz as everything is too bleak, Neo found a way to kill 2 birds with a stone. Mr Smith who he destroyed in the first movie somehow managed to survive n become stronger (i'm imagining harry potter and Voldemort, the leeching into each other part). So Neo asked the machines to stop the destruction of human city. The offer: to destroy Smith before (like a virus) it spreads and infect the Machine World.

Somehow Machine agrees and Neo save the world.

I really think they could have stopped at 1.

SO much cooler.

Plus, they killed Trinity.


I kinda liked her.


Think this was the first movie I actually had to rewatch to fully grasp its beauty. I did catch up with the plot eventually, but rewatching allowed me to fully appreciate it.

It doesnt deserve a review, it requires a REWATCH!


Wednesday, September 24, 2014


No doubt the best movie ever.

Rewatched a gazillion times.

The idea that to introduce a notion to someone, we mz break it down to its simpliest/ rawest state: Emotions. Then by playing on the person's emotion, you allow them to "grow" the idea themselves.

Nolan, is amazing. The timing of the show.... reflects how wonderful his mind could slice up stories. A wonderful story teller of inter-world integration.

Sigh~ He makes me jealous of his brilliance